Bubblegum Dog Lyrics by MGMT

Bubblegum Dog Meaning & Facts By (Singles). You Can Watch This Video On YouTube While The Lyrics Are Written By Andrew VanWyngarden, Ben Goldwasser & James Richardson. The Music Track Was Released Date:Nov. 29, 2023

The lyrics you’ve handed feel to explore themes of disillusionment, confusion, and maybe a sense of empirical angst.Let’s break it down:

Explanation of Intro
In the world of bubblegum tykes and empirical pondering, the lyrics unveil a narrative woven with disillusionment and a hunt for understanding. The verses explore a surreal geography, questioning trueness and societal morals, while the chorus reflects on the consequences of being led amiss.

[Verse 1]
Bubblegum dog
Tell me what the truth is
Isn’t this bed a log?
Doesn’t that confuse things?
Shouldn’t I run?
Isn’t that the white man?
None of this seems like fun
But maybe that’s the point, man?

Explanation of  Verse 1
The “Bubblegum dog” could symbolize something superficial or false, something that seems innocent and sweet on the surface but might actually be deceiving.  The mention of the “white man” could allude to authority figures or societal norms that don’t make sense to the speaker.

For years I’ve strung you along
Afraid of the bubblegum dog
And it’s finally catching up with me
I hope it’s a false alarm
But the pain of the bubblegum dog
It’s finally catching up with me
Who would have believe? I saw

Explanation of  Chorus
The speaker reflects on being led astray for years, afraid of the consequences symbolized by the “bubblegum dog,” which could represent the consequences of their actions or choices.

[Verse 2]
Tenement homes
Built upon a fault line
Juvenile quetzal birds
Living in the coal mine
Manicured lawns
Tibetan straw men
Igneous basketballs
Drifting through the heavens

Explanation of  Verse 2
The imagery becomes more surreal, with references to “tenement homes built upon a fault line” and “juveniles quetzal birds living in the coal mine.” These images suggest instability and danger lurking beneath the surface of seemingly normal situations. The manicured lawns and Tibetan straw men may symbolize artificial or superficial aspects of society. The mention of “hate toward the earthly world” suggests a deep dissatisfaction with existence.


I felt hate toward the earthly world
But hate is a very strong word
And it’s finally catching up with me
The years of plodding on
In fear of the bubblegum dog
It’s finally catching up with me

Explanation of  Chorus
The speaker reflects on their feelings of shame and hatred towards the world, acknowledging that these emotions are catching up with them. They seem to realize the futility of holding onto such negativity.

So I’ll pray it won’t be long
I’ll wake up and it’s all gone
You and me
We’ll keep it calm
My bubblegum dog

Explanation of  Post-Chorus
The speaker expresses a desire for relief from their troubles, hoping for peace and tranquility symbolized by the “bubblegum dog.”

I felt hate toward the earthly world
But hate is a very strong word
And it’s finally catching up with me
The years of plodding on
In fear of the bubblegum dog
It’s finally catching up with me

Explanation of  Chorus
The speaker reflects on their feelings of shame and hatred towards the world, acknowledging that these emotions are catching up with them. They seem to realize the futility of holding onto such negativity.

So we’ll hide until it’s gone
Boil the ones that don’t belong
Pay the man to keep it on
Days are short and nights are long
Bang our heads against the gong
Maybe tinkle on the lawn
One for all and all for one
My bubblegum dog

Explanation of  Outro
The outro presents a sense of abdication and acceptance of the chaotic nature of actuality. The speaker plans to endure whatever challenges come their way, maybe chancing solace in fellowship represented by the” bubblegum canine.

The lyrics paint a picture of a world filled with confusion, disillusionment, and empirical angst, with the” bubblegum canine” representing the consequences of conduct and the struggle to find meaning in a putatively chaotic world.

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