Too Good to be True Lyrics by Kacey Musgraves

Too Good to be True Meaning & Facts By (Singles). You Can Watch This Video On YouTube While The Lyrics Are Written By Kacey Musgraves, Daniel Tashian, Ian Fitchuk & Anna Nalick. The Music Track Was Released Date :Feb. 29, 2024

These lyrics  feel to  recite a  particular  trip of  tone- discovery, growth, and making  opinions to prioritize one’s well- being.  Let’s break down the key themes and messages:

Explanation of Intro
In these lyrics, the artist reflects on the transformative age of twenty- seven, navigating the dualities of  mortal  connections, and eventually choosing  tone- care over  poisonous influences.

[Verse 1]
My Saturn has returned
When I turned twenty-seven
Everything started to change

Explanation of  Verse 1
The mention of Saturn returning at the age of twenty-seven could be a reference to the astrological concept of Saturn Return, which is believed to mark significant life changes and self-discovery.

[Verse 2]
Took a long time, but I learned
There’s two kinds of people, one is a giver
And one’s always tryin’ to take
All they can take

Explanation of  Verse 2
The speaker acknowledges the existence of two kinds of people, givers and takers. There’s a realization that some people are always trying to take advantage, and the speaker has learned this lesson over time.

So I’m sayin’ goodbye to the people
That I feel are real good at wastin’ my time
No regrets, baby, I just think that maybe
You go your way and I’ll go mine
It’s been a real good time
But you got dark energy, somethin’ I can’t unsee
And I’ve got to take care of myself
I found a deeper well

Explanation of  Chorus
The chorus expresses a decisive break from individuals who are perceived as wasting the speaker’s time.  The mention of “dark energy” suggests toxic influences that the speaker needs to distance themselves from.

[Verse 3]
I used to wake and bake
Roll out of bed, hit the gravity bong that I made
And start the day
For a while, it got me by
Everything I did seemed better when I was high
I don’t know why

Explanation of  Verse 3
The speaker reflects on past habits, specifically referencing substance use (“wake and bake”). There’s a realization that certain habits, even if they provided temporary relief, were not sustainable in the long run.

So I’m gettin’ rid of the habits that I feel
Are real good at wastin’ my time
No regrets, baby, I just think that maybe
It’s natural when things lose their shine
So other things can glow
I’ve gotten older now, I know
How to take care of myself
I found a deeper well

Explanation of  Chorus
The second chorus reinforces the theme of letting go of habits and people that hinder personal growth. The idea of things losing their shine is presented as a natural part of life, making room for new, positive experiences.

[Verse 4]
When I was growing up
We had what we needed, shoes on our feet
But the world was as flat as a plate
And that’s okay

Explanation of  Verse 3
The speaker reminisces about a simpler time in childhood when basic needs were met. The mention of the world being “flat as a plate” could be a metaphor for a limited perspective or understanding.

The things I was taught only took me so far
Had to figure the rest out myself
And then I found
I found a deeper well

Explanation of  Chorus
The speaker expresses gratitude for the lessons learned and acknowledges the need to figure things out independently.he expression” deeper well” symbolizes a newfound understanding or source of wisdom that goes beyond  face-  position  gests .

These lyrics  recite a  trip of  tone-  mindfulness, letting go of negative influences, and embracing  particular growth and well- being. The recreating theme of chancing  a” deeper well” suggests a more profound understanding and connection with oneself.

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