Dark Matter Lyrics – Pearl Jam

Dark Matter Lyrics – Pearl Jam Meaning & Facts By (Singles). You Can Watch This Video On YouTube While The Lyrics Are Written By Eddie Vedder, Jeff Ament, Mike McCready, Stone Gossard, Matt Cameron & watt The Music Track Was Released Date :February 13, 2024

The lyrics you’ve provided are from the song “Dark Matter” by Eddie Vedder, an American musician known primarily as the lead vocalist and guitarist of the rock band Pearl Jam. Below is an analysis and interpretation of the lyrics:

Explanation of Intro
In the haunting depths of “Dark Matter,” Eddie Vedder delves into the shadows, exploring themes of loss and collective suffering in a world tainted by mistakes and unaccountability. Through vivid imagery and poetic expression, the lyrics unfold a narrative of vulnerability and frustration.

[Verse 1: Eddie Vedder]
Steal the lights from our eyes
Take my blood from my heart
We’re in all of this dark matter
Take the breaths from my chest
Take the pulse and I’m…
We’re losing time, dark matter
Denounce the demagogues
King diamond to discard
Deploy the dialogue
Your word against the law

Explanation of  Verse 1
The opening lines convey a sense of vulnerability and loss. The speaker talks about having something taken away from them – the “lights from our eyes,” their blood, their breaths, and their pulse.This imagery suggests a feeling of being drained or burgled of vitality. The citation of” dark matter” reinforces the theme of commodity unseen and mysterious impacting their lives. The lines about denouncing demagogues and planting dialogue suggest a rejection of authoritarian numbers and a call for open communication and converse.

[Chorus: Eddie Vedder & All]
It’s strange these days
When everybody else pays
For someone else’s mistake
This blame takes shape
Still everybody else pays
For someone else’s mistake

Explanation of   Chorus
The chorus reflects on the unfairness of the current situation. There’s a sense of collective punishment for the mistakes of others, and the blame seems to be diffused across everyone, regardless of individual culpability.

[Verse 2: Eddie Vedder]
You’re running away
We’re pulling apart
In all of this dark matter
I once had a…
Or is it the press
No one knows what happens next
Renounce the demigods
King diamond to discard
Deploy the dialogue
Your word against the law

Explanation of  Verse 2
The second verse continues the theme of separation and disintegration. The ambiguity in lines like “I once had a…” adds to the sense of uncertainty and confusion.  The reference to the press and the unknown future reflects a broader feeling of chaos and unpredictability.

[Chorus: Eddie Vedder & All]
It’s strange these days
When everybody else pays
For someone else’s mistake
This blame takes shape
Still everybody else pays
For someone else’s mistake

Explanation of   Chorus
The chorus reflects on the unfairness of the current situation. There’s a sense of collective punishment for the mistakes of others, and the blame seems to be diffused across everyone, regardless of individual culpability

[Bridge: Eddie Vedder]
No tolerance for intolerance so I’ve
No patience left for impatience no more
No love lost for lost loves
No sorrow for the unaccountable

Explanation of   Bridge
BridgeThe ground reinforces themes of  dogmatism,  desirousness, lost love, and unaccountability. The speaker expresses frustration and disillusionment with  colorful aspects of society and  particular  connections. There is a sense of abdication and a  turndown to accept  effects as they are.

[Chorus: Eddie Vedder & All]
It’s strange these days
When everybody else pays
For someone else’s mistake
This blame takes shape
Still everybody else pays
For someone else’s mistake

Explanation of   Chorus
The chorus reflects on the unfairness of the current situation. There’s a sense of collective punishment for the mistakes of others, and the blame seems to be diffused across everyone, regardless of individual culpability

The lyrics of” Dark Matter”  feel to touch on themes of loss, injustice, disillusionment, and the  complications of  mortal  connections. There is a sense of frustration with systems of power and authority, as well as a recognition of the interconnectedness of individual  gests . The song suggests a desire for responsibility,  translucency, and meaningful connection in the face of  query and adversity.

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