DUSTCUTTER Lyrics by Quadeca

DUSTCUTTER Meaning & Facts By (Singles). You Can Watch This Video On YouTube While The Lyrics Are Written By Quadeca.The Music Track Was Released Date :Oct. 30, 2023

The lyrics you handed depict themes of craving, treason, and disillusionment in a relationship. Then is an explanation of the colorful corridor of the song Here’s an explanation of the various parts of the song:

Explanation of Intro
The song’s preamble sets the stage with a plea to close one’s eyes, creating an atmosphere of vulnerability and a sense of urgency.

Close your eyes
Please don’t leave me out in the cold, leave me out to dry
Please don’t leave me out in the middle of the night
Shake, shake, shaken to my core
I don’t wanna see you anytime in the future, uh
Do shit just like we used to, uh
Walk through the light, watch my life
All this minutiae, uh
Who had a clue?
Wasn’t me, wasn’t you
Wasn’t he, wasn’t she
Wasn’t them, wasn’t true

Explanation of  Chorus
The chorus expresses a sense of abandonment and pleading not to be left alone. The speaker doesn’t want to be left out in the cold or in the middle of the night, feeling shaken to their core.

Everybody knew
Everybody but you
Evеrybody knew
Everybody but you
Everybody knеw
Everybody but you
Everybody knew
Everybody but you

Explanation of  Post-Chorus
This section emphasizes that everyone except the person being addressed seemed to know something important.It underscores a feeling of being left out or kept in the dark about certain trueness. The song’s preamble sets the stage with a plea to close one’s eyes, creating an atmosphere of vulnerability and a sense of urgency. It establishes the emotional tone for the rest of the lyrics, inviting the listener into a narrative of craving and disillusionment in a relationship.

Who hid the veins and changed their hue?
Who compromised the perfect view?
Who oxidized the perfect blue?
Don’t let it out, don’t let it out
Don’t say the words, don’t write them down
It gave you life and it stains your bed casings
Crumpled tissues on stacks of red pages

Explanation of  Verse 
The verse questions who altered the perfect view and compromised what was formerly ideal. The imagery of hiding modes and changing tinges suggests attempts to conceal excrescencies or trueness. The lines about crumpled apkins and stained bed coverings elicit a sense of emotional fermentation and distress.

Close your eyes
Please don’t leave me out in the cold, leave me out to dry
Please don’t leave me out in the middle of the night
Shake, shake, shaken to my core
I don’t wanna see you anytime in the future, uh
Do shit just like we used to, uh
Walk through the light, watch my life
All this minutiae, uh
Who had a clue?
Wasn’t me, wasn’t you
Wasn’t he, wasn’t she
Wasn’t them, wasn’t true

Explanation of  Chorus
The chorus expresses a sense of abandonment and pleading not to be left alone. The speaker doesn’t want to be left out in the cold or in the middle of the night, feeling shaken to their core.

Everybody knew
Everybody but you
Everybody knew
Everybody but you
Everybody knew
Everybody but you
Everybody knew
Everybody but you

Explanation of  Outro
The outro repeats the sentiment that everybody seemed to know something except the person being addressed, reinforcing the theme of feeling isolated or unaware of significant truths.

The lyrics convey a sense of treason, confusion, and emotional pain within a relationship. There is a craving to move forward and leave the history behind, but also a feeling of being visited by undetermined issues and unanswered questions.

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