EASIER Lyrics by Quadeca

EASIER Meaning & Facts By (Singles). You Can Watch This Video On YouTube While The Lyrics Are Written By Quadeca.The Music Track Was Released Date :Nov. 22, 2023

The lyrics you  handed  feel to be from a song that explores themes of love, desire, and  tone- reflection . Let’s break down the lyrics and try to understand their meaning:

Explanation Of Intro
The introduction of the song sets the tone with a sense of longing and contemplation:”I want you ’cause you’re easier than nothing, baby Show me your vision of hell, but don’t go by yourself”

I want you ’cause you’re easier than nothing, baby
I want you ’cause you’re easier than nothing

Explanation Of  Chorus
Chorus:”I want you ’cause you’re easier than nothing, baby I want you ’cause you’re easier than nothing”In the chorus, the singer expresses a desire for someone because they seem easier than having nothing at all. It suggests that the  songster may be feeling a sense of emptiness or loneliness, and this person provides some form of comfort or  fellowship, indeed if it’s not entirely fulfilling.

[Verse 1]
Show me your vision of hell
You shouldn’t go by yourself
But, oh my God
Maybe I’m not in love
It’s just the thought of you
But sometimes it’s not enough
Okay, it’s hard to explain
Maybe I’m so in love
I followed the open arms
That bury me from above
And you said it would be okay (uh)

Explanation Of  Verse 1
The first verse delves into the complexity of the singer’s feelings. They talk about being shown someone’s vision of hell, possibly referencing a difficult or challenging aspect of the other person’s life. Despite this, the singer is unsure if they’re truly in love or if it’s just the idea of the person that they’re drawn to. They mention following open arms that bury them from above, which could symbolize seeking refuge or acceptance despite potential consequences.

‘Cause I want you when you’re easier than nothing, baby (ah)
I want you when you’re easier than nothing

Explanation Of  Chorus
The chorus repeats the sentiment of wanting the person because they’re easier to have than nothing. It reinforces the idea that the relationship might not be entirely fulfilling or genuine but serves as a form of comfort or distraction.

[Verse 2]
Throw all your cents in the well
I couldn’t counter your hell
But, oh my God
Totaled my car on the way
It’s my fault I’m not over the thought of you
And for everything I gotta say
It’s so hard to admit that I wanted you
I was busy being busy
I was busy doing everything in my strength not to acknowledge you
I miss being alone, the way I was alone
Before all the resentment had gotten through
Operate at my prettiest
I’m taking flights when I’m bored
Shoot my shot like an idiot
She don’t know what my motive is
I said “I’m just here to listen to you, yeah, that’s really it”
But it’s fine, I feel the same way
I deliver it to you the same day
And I took off just to say, “Hey…”
I think I want you ’cause you’re easy

Explanation Of  Verse 2
The second verse continues the introspective exploration of the singer’s feelings. They talk about throwing all their “cents” (perhaps meaning efforts or emotions) into the well, suggesting a futile attempt to address the other person’s struggles.They reflect on being busy and distracted but ultimately admit to wanting the person despite the complications and difficulties involved.

I want you ’cause you’re easier than nothing, baby
I want you ’cause you’re easier than nothing

Explanation Of  Chorus
Chorus:”I want you ’cause you’re easier than nothing, baby I want you ’cause you’re easier than nothing”In the chorus, the singer expresses a desire for someone because they seem easier than having nothing at all. It suggests that the  songster may be feeling a sense of emptiness or loneliness, and this person provides some form of comfort or  fellowship, indeed if it’s not entirely fulfilling.

The lyrics paint a picture of a complicated and conceivably one- sided relationship where the songster grapples with their passions of desire, loneliness, and query. The reiteration of wanting the person because they are easier than nothing highlights the complexity and ambivalence of the songster’s feelings.

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