Melatonin 130 Lyrics – Wilbur Soot

Melatonin 130 Lyrics – Wilbur Soot Meaning & Facts By (Singles). You Can Watch This Video On YouTube While The Lyrics Are Written By Wilbur Soot. The Music Track Was Released Date :November 30, 2023.

The lyrics reflect a deep research of internal health struggles and the difficulties of mortal feelings. The artist dives into the ineffectiveness of colorful managing mechanisms and specifics, offering a raw and introspective perspective on the challenges of chancing solace. The preface sets the stage for a trip through the artist’s particular struggles, as he grapples with both internal and external pressures.

[Verse 1: Wilbur Soot]
The melatonin doesn’t work anymore
The Valium just stops the hurt
But not the cortisol
If I can teleport from here
I’ll choose the Midway Atoll
Or just the space in between your neck
Where it meets your shoulder
But just this once (But just this once)
I’d like to see the world in three-dimensions

[Explanation of Verse 1]
The lyrics open with a poignant portrayal of failed attempts at finding relief, with melatonin and Valium unable to alleviate the underlying stress indicated by cortisol. The desire to teleport to specific places or intimate spaces with a loved one suggests a desire for escape and comfort. The line “But just this once, I’d like to see the world in three-dimensions” introduces a plea for a genuine and immersive experience of life.

[Verse 2: Wilbur Soot]
Keep wasting ’til you’re shed, we keep it simple
The breathing exercises hurt and don’t do f**k-all
He said, “The beta-blockers work, but there’s a system
The anxiety’s not the cause, it’s just a symptom”

[Explanation of Verse 2]
The alternate verse delves into the difficulties of managing mechanisms, pressing the frustration of breathing exercises and the limited productiveness of beta- blockers. The exposure that anxiety is viewed as a symptom rather than a cause hints at a deeper understanding of internal health fights.

[Verse 3: Wilbur Soot]
But I know you
I’ll live with you until our bones grow old
I’ll still pick you like a scab or a mole
And I’ll pull you into a dive or a stall
Ain’t that miserable?
Ain’t that miserable?
Ain’t that miserable?

[Explanation of Verse 3]
Wilbur expresses a sense of enduring connection and familiarity in the face of difficulties. The metaphor of picking like a scab or a mole suggests an instinctive yet perhaps detrimental behavior. The repeated declaration of “Ain’t that miserable?” adds a touch of self-awareness and irony.

[Bridge: Wilbur Soot]
Help, why the f**k do I still self-sabotage
When I’m finally happy
Oh, oh
Woo, wa! Wa! Wa!
Oh, hey, hey, yeah, yeah, yeah

[Explanation of Bridge]
The land is a plea for understanding as Wilbur grapples with tone- sabotage indeed in moments of happiness. The energetic statements capture a sense of desperation and frustration, contributing to the emotional intensity of the song.

[Verse 4: Wilbur Soot]
So it turns out everyone just hopes to God you’re failing
And if you claim that you eat my words
Then take this as a warning
Nothing around here f**king works
We’re just flat-out boring
We’re all apes with a diary book
And corporate reads your pages

[Explanation of Verse 4]
The lyrics take a critical turn, pointing out the societal tendency to hope for others’ failure. The warning about the ineffectiveness of claimed understanding and the acknowledgment of the dullness and restlessness within the mortal experience showcase a critical view of societal morals and anticipations.

[Outro: Wilbur Soot]
I’ve just been doing, like, music and stuff

[Explanation of Outro]
The outro brings a shift in tone, with Wilbur casually mentioning his recent focus on music. This provides a regard into the artist’s life beyond the violent feelings explored in the song, offering a moment of brevity and maybe tone- reflection.

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