Bug In Spring Lyrics

These lyrics describe a powerful and intimate connection between two people. The speaker shares moments of togetherness and vulnerability, symbolized by catching glances, holding a hug, and a fragile bug. They express a sense of falling…

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Circle Lyrics

These lyrics convey a sense of frustration, paranoia, and a feeling of being trapped. The repetition of “Dead end again” highlights a recurring sense of hopelessness and abandonment. The speaker feels lost and isolated, struggling to…

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Performative Lyrics

These lyrics reflect a sense of disillusionment and frustration with contemporary activism and societal disconnect. The repeated “Hands outstretched” suggests a yearning for change or involvement, but the doubts about its effectiveness and purpose highlight a…

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Nabokov Lyrics

This song’s lyrics explore themes of submission, self-sacrifice, and infatuation. The speaker expresses their willingness to serve and help someone forget their troubles, even lighting their cigarette. However, they’re captivated by the person’s good looks. The…

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